I’ve been sitting here for a couple of days trying to figure out my future. What is it that I want to do? The answer to that has always been something in professional wrestling. Not a wrestler. Not a commentator. But just someone who enjoys and talks about the wrestling I love all the time. That’s what I want.
But then I ask myself this: Is being a content creator in professional wrestling plausible? Can I make that my life? The answer is yes.
And you may be reading this and think it’s cheesy and honestly, that’s fine. I don’t care. None of this is really for you but it’s a chance for me to put into words why I want it so much. Why professional wrestling matters so much to me. If I said this to anyone who doesn’t follow wrestling, they’d laugh and say it’s silly. But if I explain my love for this art form, this great sport then maybe, just maybe they’d understand. Alright, I’m just going to jump into it now.
The reason I love professional wrestling so much has dated back to when I was younger. I was eight years old when I watched my first ever wrestling PPV. WWE No Way Out. The card is actually terrible if you look back but the main event was Undertaker and Batista teaming up against Shawn Michaels and John Cena. That was sick and still is in my head. I’ve never gone back and watched it but I will always remember it fondly. But the reason I got into wrestling was because of my cousin renting SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 from our local video store (remember those?). I played it and I was hooked. I didn’t even know these people were real but boy oh boy when I learned it was… I never stopped being a fan after that.
Through the years, I’ve never really wavered. I’ve always watched wrestling, even when it was just WWE back in the day for me. The only times I ever almost stopped were some time in 2009 and again in 2020. The time in 2009 was the classic “oh, maybe I’m too old for this now” that many kids have but I think it lasted two weeks and I said yeah, nevermind this rocks. In 2020 was interesting. COVID-19 hit, WWE was bad, AEW wasn’t jumping out to me as I wanted it to mostly due to having to be in Daily’s Place forever. I just wasn’t clicking but instead of giving up, I turned to something new. I watched STARDOM and I was hooked all over again. My point to all this is that I think the wrestling fan remains in everyone once you watch it. It’s just about going deeper and checking out something new if you begin to lose it. I did that and I’ve never been more obsessed.
Now I sit here writing this because some life decisions have come up and honestly, they can be scary but they’ll never stop me from reaching where I want to be. Every single week as a wrestling fan is pure excitement. I like (or love) everything I watch and there’s never a week where I saw “wow, there’s just nothing this week.” There’s always something! Maybe it’s not a “Match of the Year” contender or a surprise return to wrestling or an all-timer episode of AEW Dynamite but there’s always something to remind me why I love all this so much and want it to be what I do and watch forever. I admit it’s CRAZY to think I can do that but is it really? Maybe it’s even crazier that I’ve made Joshi my main project and care but hey, no one is going to stop me from loving what I love. And I love all wrestling folks. It’s awesome!
The reason I love professional wrestling so much is that it’s always there. It’s always exciting. And it gives me something to look forward to every week no matter where my mood is. I’m sitting here writing this as I’m changing up some things in my life that can be both scary and exciting but guess what I’m really thinking about? Clash at the Castle, the 5STAR Grand Prix, NXT Worlds Collide (I know, hilarious), the N-1 Victory Final, Sendai Girls’ big show (!), and of course, AEW All Out. My mind is always thinking about wrestling and it’s why I want to make it my life. I always want to write about it. Talk about it. Discuss it with all of you who may be answering this. We are never all going to agree on anything but at the end of the day, it’d be boring if we did.
Professional wrestling is awesome and I’m going to make it my job to create content and talk about it and write about it and go to shows and anything else I can possibly think of because I love it so much.
If you got to this point, thank you so much. The whole point of this was to express my love by also making it clear that this is the beginning of my newsletter being back as well. Expect match reviews, random pieces like this, and anything else I can think of because not so shockingly, a lot of wrestling thoughts come to mind.
I love everyone who has shown support and care for me and my dreams. I’m so grateful and I can’t stress enough how much it means to me.
Thank you for reading, enjoy Dynamite, and expect a lot more to come from this newsletter.
- Scott E.